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Wednesday, February 28, 2018

No bake Mango Cheesecake / Cheesecake cu mango, fara coacere


Ce faci cand postezi pe Facebook o fotografie cu un tort facut de curand si primesti aproximativ 30 de mesaje care iti cer reteta ? O scrii pe blog ...si speri sa primesti cate o felie de la toti cei care o vor incerca :)
Eu, nu sunt cofetar sau bucatar, gatesc din placere si combin diverse arome, produse, cateodata dau gres dar de cele mai multe ori am rezultate incurajatoare asa ca am sa redau aici reteta mea.
Mango cheesecake fara coacere este un desert usor, rapid si prezentabil.

Eu am folosit mango proaspat dar se poate realiza si cu pulpa de mango sau sirop de mango din comert.

Am ales mango Kent, pentru ca este foarte aromat, are o culoare superba si o textura ce permite felierea usoara - perfect pentru a realiza decorul - trandafirul din mango. 
Pe mine personal nu ma incanta baza de biscuiti de la cheesecake, nu imi place - e prea mare contrastul intre cat de fina e textura compozitiei si cat de crocanta este baza - dar asta e parerea mea. 
La aceasta reteta am folosit totusi Biscuiti Lotus care au o aroma de scortisoara - mi-ar fi placut daca erau mai putin dulci dar mai caut si poate gasesc ceva mai putin dulce dar la fel de aromat. 

Pentru baza ai nevoie de: 
- 250 gr de biscuiti sfaramati, 
- 80 gr de unt topit,
- Eventual 2 linguri de apa fierbinte spun eventual pentru ca in functie de biscuitii alesi si de grasimea din unt se poate sa ai nevoie de mai mult lichid care sa tina amestecul de biscuiti la un loc. 
- Forma de tort cu baza detasabila 

Metoda de lucru:
Amesteca biscuitii sfaramati cu untul topit si apa daca amestecul este prea uscat si sfaramicios si preseaza-i in forma rotunda. Pentru a nivela suprafata se poate folosi un pahar cu picior si prin miscari circulare presezi amestecul pina acoperi baza complet si uniform. Acoperi cu folie de plastic si dai la frigider .

Pentru compozitie ai nevoie de: 
- 400 ml de piure de mango - eu am folosit pulpa de la 3 mango 
- Sucul de la o lamaie verde - lime 
- 1 lingura de esenta vanilie 
- 450 gr crema de branza philadelphia la temperatura camerei - eu am folosit Philadelphia dar banuiesc ca exista si alte branduri care pot fi folosite
- 450 ml de smantana pentru frisca cu cel putin 40% grasime 
- 3 plicuri de gelatina granule - aproximativ 21 de grame
- 6 linguri de apa calda 
- 90 grame zahar tos alb 
- 100 grame de mango taiat cuburi - mango proaspat sau mango preservat - optional

Intr-un vas de sticla sau inox se adauga gelatina si cele 6 linguri de apa calda - nu fierbinte si se amesteca cu o furculita pina ce se omogenizeaza dupa care se lasa deoparte la hidratat pina ce gelatina absoarbe toata apa

Separat se freaca spuma crema de branza cu zaharul pina ce devine pufoasa si zaharul se topeste complet. Se adauga vanilia si zeama de lamaie, se amesteca cu mixerul in continuare dupa care se adauga si frisca lichida pina se obtine o compozitie pufoasa.  
Vasul cu gelatina se trece pe un vas cu apa fierbinte si se amesteca gelatina pina ce devine lichida, se adauga treptat piureul de mango la gelatina si se amesteca cu compozitia de frisca si branza crema . 
Se adauga si mango cuburi si se desarta in tava pregatita in prealabil cu crusta de biscuiti. 
Se niveleaza, se acopera cu folie de plastic si se da la frigider. 
Este de preferat ca nivelul compozitiei sa fie cu o jumatate de centimentru mai jos decat nivelul superior al tavii pentru a putea adauga jeleul de mango .

Jeleul de mango:

- 200 ml sirop de mango
- 1 plic de gelatina - 7 grame 
- coaja de la o lamaie verde data prin razatoare 
- 1 lingura apa calduta 

Dupa ce tortul a stat peste noapte la rece si sa inchegat compozitia complet , se dizolva un plic de gelatina in apa calduta, se lasa 5 minute la hidratat , se incalzeste pe baie de aburi pina se topeste si devine compozitia lichida si se amesteca rapid cu siropul de mango si cu coaja de lamaie verde. Se desarta peste tort si se niveleaza rapid. Se da la rece pina se incheaga.

Trandafirul din mango

Se pregateste cu 10 minute inainte de a turna jeleul peste tort - de preferat in ziua servirii. 
Se alege un mango copt dar ferm si se curata de coaja pe jumatate. 
Cu un cutit ascutit se taie pe lungime de-a lungul samburelui impartind mango in 3 parti : samburele si partile laterale.

Se feliaza partea curatata de coaja in felii cat mai subtiri posibil pentru a fi usor de manipulat dar in acelasi timp sa aiba si stabilitate. 

Se alege o felie de lungime medie si se ruleaza incepand de la un capat ca un sul. 

Se intoarce in pozitie verticala formand centrul trandafirului. 

Se asaza in continuare feliile de mango imbracand centrul trandafirului urmarind un patern imaginar al ceasului in ideea ca asezi o felie in dreptul orei 12 , urmatoarea o asezi in dreptul orei 6, celalata felie o asezi in dreptul orei 3 , urmatoarea in dreptul orei 9 si tot asa alternand feliile. 

Se poate face trandafir pe toata suprafata tortului si atunci recomand asamblarea direct pe tort sau se poate face separat pe baltul de lucru , introdus lama unui cutit sub trandafir si transpus pe mijlocul tortului cat gelatina este inca lichida. 

Tortul se pastreaza la frigider pina ce gelatina se incheaga complet. Observati cum coaja de lime ofera un contrast placut glazurii dar si un gust deosebit. 

Dupa ce gelatina sa inchegat complet, se trece varful unui cutit ascutit pe margine atavii , dezlipind usor compozitia de pe peretii tavii. 

Se taie felii si se serveste. 

Pofta buna!

English version:

My version of no-bake cheesecake is really simple. You will need a regular size springform pan, fresh mango, Philadelphia cheese, whip cream, Knox gelatin - 1 box with 4 envelopes, lime, sugar, a mixer will be very helpful and a big smile on your face :) 

For the base you will need:
-1 springform pan
- 1 package of Lotus Biscoff Cookies  crumbed - 8.8 oz - you can use any other kind of biscuits you like 
- 1/3 cup melted butter
- 2 teaspoon hot water 

Mix all these ingredients together and cover the bottom of a springform with. To level the base, use a flat round glass and press with a little pressure using circular movements until the base is flattened and have the same thickness. 

Chill in the refrigerator until later.

For the cheesecake filling you will need:

-1 box of Philadelphia cream cheese16 oz at Room temperature 
- 2 cups 40% Heavy whipped cream COLD
- 3 envelopes unflavored gelatin 0,75 ounces 
- juice and rind from 1 medium Lime - reserve the zest for the topping 
- 6 tablespoon warm water
- 3/4 cup of sugar
- 1 tablespoon of vanilla essence
- 500 ml of mango pulp divided 400 ml for the cheesecake composition and 100 ml for the topping- I use defrosted alphonso mango pulp, but you can use any kind of ripe fresh mango or a can mango pulp, just make sure is well blended - and keep it at room temperature
- 4 slice of dried preserved mango diced 


- In a small bowl put the gelatine, add the warm water and mix and let it sit in the side until the gelatine bloom (absorbed the water )
- Beat the cream cheese  with sugar until fluffy 
- Add the whipped cream and vanilla to the cream cheese and continue to beat with the mixer until fluffy again
- Add the bowl with gelatine in the top of boiling water and mix until the gelatine became a liquid, is take like 1 minute
- Fold into the cheese - cream mixture the 400 ml of mango pulp, lime juice, the diced mango and the melted gelatine and beat at slow power to mix all the ingredients. 
- pour onto prepared springform and level the surface and chill until next day. 
I suggest you put the whole springform in a bag so the composition will not get any flavor from the surrounding ingredients. 

The jelly topping

- 100 ml mango pulp
- 1 envelope of gelatine 0.25 oz
- the Lime Zest 
- 2 tablespoon warm water 

For the mango rose - you have the pictures and technique above. Use a ripe but firm mango and a very sharp knife to slice it.  I use a Kent Mango for this one. Start with a medium size slice and roll it. Put the roll in a vertical position and keep adding the slice using an imaginary clock. Start with one slice at 12, next slice at 6, third slice at 3 and 4th slice at 9 - keep going until you got the size you want. 

I like to make the mango rose on the day I serve the cheesecake so is stay and look fresh longer. 
I always prepare the rose on the side and I move it to the top of the freshly poured jelly so is still flexible and can be adjusted if one or two petals will fall. 

In a bowl put the gelatine, add the warm water, mix and let it sit until the gelatine absorbed all the water. 
Add the lime rind to the mango pulp.
Melt the gelatine on the top of boiling water, mix with the pulp and pour it over the top of the COLD cheesecake (still in the springform )

Move the rose mango in the middle, spread apart the last layers of petals to look more like a rose and put it back to chill. 

When the top is completely set, run the knife along the edges of the cake against the sides of the pan. This loosens the cake while keeping the sides smooth. Unlatch the pan and gently lift away the sides. 


PS. I like to use a springform with a glass base - just because I can live the cheesecake on it and it looks great. 

Sunday, October 27, 2013

Orange October - No bake cupcake

Halloween is near so my October change the color  from Pink to Orange.
Is so much fun to create ornamental cupcakes that I must to share this simple recipe.
So let's start  to bake the No bake cupcake :)

R.I.P. diet 
Ingredients :
1 Black plate for setting

1 Brick of Oasis Rainbow floral foam in orange  and  1 in grey color

Oasis Rainbow Foam

Oasis Rainbow Foam Grey
2 Cupcake papers from black foil because they stand up better. If you don't have , you can use regular cupcake papers spray them with Oasis Glue spray and sprinkle with black sand decorations. 

Cupcake papers from black foil

1 Long oval shape White rainbow foam pebble (If this is not available use one slice of white foam ,1 cm thick) 

Oasis Pebble 

1 Set of Spider web decoration and spiders:
Spider Web

Few dry leaves in autumn colors.
Solanum pseudocapsicum fruits or any others small size orange berry or fruits .
Solanum pseudocapsicum 

For carving the ghost foam, another piece of white foam,  one tooth pick and one black marker

Glue gun to fix the foam to the bottom of the cupcake paper.

1 crinkled  cookie cutter
Crinkled cookie cutter 

Black sand decorations

  1.  Search for a white Oasis Pebble , with an oval elongated shape. With the sides of another Oasis Pebble foam polish the oval shape giving the shape of a ghost . You will make allot of foam dust so is better cover the work surface with newspaper.After you got the desired shape with a black marker just point  the eyes on the ghost face. Insert one tooth pick in the bottom of the carved foam and you are ready to the next step.
  2. Slice the orange color foam brick in half on the long side and using a cookie cutter with a diameter a little smaller than the cupcake , press into the foam and slice out a crinkle cookie shape.
  3. Repeat with the grey color foam.You will got 2 circular shapes , but the cupcake have a flat conic shape. To get that conic shape you must take out with the floral knife, a slice from the edge around the bottom of this circular foam shape.
  4. Put a drop of hot glue inside the cupcake and press the foam inside.
  5. Insert the berry in the top of the cupcake. Using just ornamental berry is not necessary to use wet foam.
  6. You can sprinkle some black sand for decor.
  7. Add the foam ghost, few spiders  and cover with the spider web.
  8. Add few dry leaves and the plate is ready .

Sunday, October 20, 2013

Pink October & Flower Forever

I love autumn and special this month October . 
The weather change and is more cold so let's warm up with a Moroccan dry rose bulbs tea and  spices and see what you can do with this lovely rose buds ...rose water ...pink berry.

Ingredients : 

1 cup , hot water, 5 dried Moroccan rose bulbs, 1 spoon of  rose water , 1 spoon of rose petal confiture.  

1 glass bell 
10  preserved freeze dry red stachys leaves
10 dried Moroccan rose buds different sizes
1 small branch of pink pepper 
1 dry scabiosa red 
Oasis glue spray 
Oasis floral adhesive 
1 m of satin edge organza ribbon in pink  

Cooking time : 10 min 

First step :
Take the cup  and pour in hot water.Add 5 dried Moroccan rose bulbs, 1 spoon of  rose water , 1 spoon of rose petal confiture or honey , cover and let it sit for 10 minutes. 

Next step:

Clean perfect the bell and let it stay at room temperature .
Glass bell 
Add the ribbon in the top and let the bell hanging but in the same time standing on the flat surface so the ribbon will stay in place until you add the flower  decoration.
On a sheet of paper lay down the stachys leaves and spray them with Oasis glue spray.
Preserved Red stachys 
Oasis Glue spray 

Let them sit for 1 minute . 

Is important to use preserved freeze dry stachys leaves because after you  glue them on the surface, they will keep the same size and shape. If you use fresh stachys they will get smaller during the time because they get dry so you will be able to see part of the  the surface uncover .

Start from the bottom of the bell and add the leaves  by pressing  them gentle to the surface.
Add the second round of leaves starting from the middle of the bell and between the first two leaves . 
Oasis Floral Adhesive 
 Preserved Pink scabiosa
Open the scabiosa in small florets and using the tweezers hold the florets and add  floral adhesive to the ends. Let them sit for 1 minute and add them to the bell following your own desire. Keep them pressed for few seconds until they stay in the place.   
Preserved Pink rose buds
Prepare the rose buds with floral adhesive and add them to the top of the bell. 

Preserved pink pepper

The last  ingredient to use is the small branch of pink pepper . Add floral adhesive to the stem, let it sit for one minute and press it gentle between the rest of the flower.  

Now you can start drinking your Moroccan rose tea and admire your creations. Enjoy :)
Moroccan rose tea

In Romania you can buy the dry  materials and Oasis products from http://www.deko-wave.ro/deko-wave/eshop/1-1-NOUTATILE-SAPTAMANII/0/5/117-Piper-prezervat-50gr.

In Belgium you can buy them from http://www.avalane.com/

In USA I got the rose buds from http://alphonsomango.com/exoticfruits.html and the rest of Oasis floral products on line from different shops. 

Flowers and food ? or food and flowers ?

Flowers and food ? or food and flowers ?
What I love more ? 
I love both of them ...so let's play with food and flowers...